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The Americas
Latin America and Caribbean TII Index 2023
This is the third consecutive year in which the efforts and commitments of many Latin American organizations, under the leadership of Corporate Accountability and GGTC,
have resulted in the publication of this new Regional Index. This Index aims to review the
current situation in seventeen countries in Latin America and two in the Caribbean,
the implementation of Article 5.3 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
of the World Health Organization (WHO FCTC):2 Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela (Latin America); and Jamaica and the Dominican Republic (Caribbean). This year is special with the inclusion of the Caribbean region for the first time, with the analysis of two countries.
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Regional Resources
- Latin America and Caribbean TII Index 2023 (English)
- Latin America and Caribbean TII Index 2023 - Executive Summary (English)
- Latin America and Caribbean TII Index 2023 - Executive Summary (Spanish)
- Latin America and Caribbean TIII Index 2023 - Executive Summary (Portuguese)
- LatAm TII 2023 Press Release (Spanish)
- LatAm TII 2023 Press Release (English)
- LatAm TII 2023 Press Release (Portuguese)
Latin America Regional Tobacco Interference Index 2021 (Spanish)
This Regional Index measures interference from the Tobacco Industry in 18 Latin American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
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Latin America Regional Tobacco Industry Interference Index 2020
This Regional Index covers 9 Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay, and measures the interference of the Tobacco Industry in countries that are complying with the WHO Framework Convention.
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Regional Resources
Corporate Accountability
Corporate Accountability stops transnational corporations from devastating democracy, trampling human rights, and destroying our planet. For four decades, its work has been guided by two grand strategies: (1) organizing people around the world to apply direct and strategic pressure on transnational corporations; and (2) locking in changes by strengthening democratic institutions and empowering governing bodies like the United Nations to exercise their authority over transnational corporations.
Corporate Accountability activates people power to challenge and change destructive corporations at every level — from communities to international democratic institutions.

Denouncing Tobacco Industry Interference in Latin America and the Caribbean (Spanish)