Why does Ukraine Graze the back in the Fight Against Tobacco Lobbying?

Ukraine ranked 27th out of 34 places in the ranking on this index, receiving 68 points. This figure is worse than the previous report, which covered 2017-2018, when the result was 61 points. On November 30, Ukrinform presented the second Global Index of Tobacco Industry Intervention in Public Health Policy. Ukraine ranked 27th out of 34 places in the ranking on this index, receiving 68 points. This figure is worse than the previous report, which covered 2017-2018, when the result was 61 points. According to the research methodology, the higher the score, the stronger the intervention of the tobacco industry. The highest scores and, accordingly, the worst situation with the intervention of the tobacco industry were in Japan (88 points), Indonesia (82 points), Zambia (78 points), and the lowest scores were given to the State of Brunei Darussalam (14 points), France (27 points), the United Kingdom (32 points), where governments more effectively counteract tobacco companies.

I think what I feel fortunate about is that I am still astonished – that things still amaze me. And I think that that’s a great benefit of being in the arts, where the possibility for learning never disappears; where you basically have to admit you never learn it.

Milton Glaser